Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt

Book a check-up appointment

You can arrange a check-up appointment online if you are already our patient.

  1. Login is only possible if you have had a thyroid examination at the Vienna Thyroid Center Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt within the last three years.
  2. You must enter exactly the email address that you have provided here. If you have forgotten which of your email addresses is stored in the Vienna Thyroid Center Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt for online services, you can request it from us here.
  3. If a scintigraphy or a fine needle aspiration biopsy is planned for your next appointment, please don’t use the online service but make sure to arrange the appointment by telephone.
  4. To book a first appointment, please use our callback service. We will call you to find a suitable appointment.
  5. You can reach us Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. by phone on 01 4032920.
  6. Please read our information page "important information for your thyroid check".

Please enter exactly the email address that you have provided with us.

Yes, I have read the data protection declaration of the Vienna Thyroid Center / Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt and agree to the transmission and storage of my data.

Yes, I agree that the Vienna Thyroid Center / Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt Univ. Doz. Dr. Georg Zettinig, 1080 Vienna, contacts me by email or telephone to make an appointment and for support in connection with the practice visit.

Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt - Univ. Doz. Dr. Georg Zettinig
1080 Wien, Laudongasse 12/8

Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt - Univ. Doz. Dr. Georg Zettinig
Schilddrüsenpraxis Josefstadt - Univ. Doz. Dr. Georg Zettinig